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Native Advertising

Native advertising is one of the preferred forms of advertising by the brands and, also Native display ads receive a higher click-through rate (CTR) than typical display ads. Let’s know a few things related to native advertising. WHAT IS NATIVE ADVERTISING? Native advertising is the use of paid ads that match the look, feel, and function of the media format in which they appear. Native ads are often found in social media feeds, or as recommended content on a web page native ads don't look like ads. They look like part of the editorial flow of the page. The key to native advertising is that it is non-disruptive - it exposes the reader to advertising content without sticking out like a sore thumb. SUCCESSFUL NATIVE ADVERTISING Native advertising has been the most successful form of advertising in history. The native ads are more engaging and trustworthy, making native advertising more effective. The reason why native advertising has proven to be effective is that they are usually better received by their target audiences. This method helps to combat ad fatigue and further engages the audience. Because they don't “feel” like advertisements, people are more inclined to view them and consume their content.